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Loving God. Loving People. Making Disciples.
About Us
Who We Are

One the great dynamics about Word of Life Ministry is that we thrive in being authentic and transparent in every aspect of our life together.

Find out more about who we are!


Sunday Gathering

The Open Table
Wednesdays 7am

3610 Gault Ave N
Fort Payne, AL 35967

The Open Table

We believe that inviting whosoever will
to come to the table is vital and important.
We come to the table of the Lord every time we gather together!

Praise & Worship

Diversity but Onenness

You will find a multi-membered family with a oneness of mind & spirit.
We embrace our differences and weaknesses
because we know there is abundant strength
found in our union and unity!


Power in Prayer

Everything is Sacred

Christianity is both sacred and sacramental.

A business man, a stay-at-home mom, a carpenter, an educator, a musician, an artist as much as a priest or pastor; they are sacred. There are sacred places, the earth is sacred, all of creation is sacred. We also confess the sacred mysteries of the Christian faith. We believe in the Incarnation and Resurrection. Our religion is not a practice as a private spirituality, but the material faith of sacramental Christianity. We embrace a faith that cannot be practiced without water and bread and wine. Baptism and Communion are not merely symbolic ideas, but entrance into the sacred! Everything is sacred.


loving God. loving people.

We consider reaching all people and connecting them personally and corporately to their true identity in Christ to be one of our greatest responsibilities. Our Sunday Gatherings are for people at all stages in their spiritual journey but are purposely designed to continuously connect people through touchpoints to take their next step towards spiritual maturity in experiencing the reality of being included in the community of the found and forgiven.
+ Give


Reach (2)
discover. develop. fulfill.

All of us were created by God to make a difference in the world around us. God has a place for you where your unique abilities and passions can impact the lives of others. We believe life will never make sense until you find, develop, and fulfill your purpose to reach further than where you are.
+ Disciplines


Reach (3)
making disciples.

In Matthew 28:18-20, Jesus says the last thing He is going to say to His apostles before He ascends into the realm of spirit/heaven. Among the things He considers important enough to make one of His last statements is this command, “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.   

This co-mission is not to get people ‘saved’, rather it is to ‘make disciples’ or ‘followers’ of Jesus.  Our priority as disciples is to ‘make disciples’ to impact and influence every aspect of our society by engaging our culture and being relevant with the message of the Kingdom of God.
+ Outreach


Reach (4)
relationships are vital.

All of us were created by God to make a difference in the world around us. God has a place for you where your unique abilities and passions can impact the lives of others. We believe life will never make sense until you find, develop, and fulfill your purpose to reach further than where you are.

+ LIFE Groups


Our faith and trust is founded in and guided by the living Word, Christ Jesus.
Here at Word of Life Ministry, we look to values of Christ, the scriptures through the lens of Jesus, to shape who we are and direct our lives.

God the Father

He is light and He is always good. He is creator of all

God the Son

He is the expression of the will of God in a human body.  The divine model and pattern of the sons of God in the earth.

God the Holy Spirit

He has never left us. Christ is our life; in us, as us.

Man's need for a Savior

 Jesus came to restore what was lost - humanity's awareness of their Christ-identity and connection with their original purpose in the earth.


His finished work revealed the total redemption and restoration of humanity in body, soul & spirit.

Empowering of Holy Spirit

We believe in the empowering of Holy Spirit and His gifting in order to walk out our Christ-identity in the earth.


He is the resurrection and the life. He was raised to life. Therefore, we are raised to live His life with Him.

The Scriptures

The Bible is the living, breathing word of God and is the greatest love letter ever written.

The Kingdom of God

It is the reign of righteousness, peace & joy in Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit is in us, as us. Therefore, the kingdom of God is within humanity.

Our Mission

To extend the kingdom of God in love; reaching nations, building people and growing families.

The Coming King

He has come. He is here. He is coming; receiving the kingdom that is already established in the hearts of humanity.